Our friends from Klan Koncept in Melaka, Malaysia invites Pinoy graffiti artists
to join Graff4 *Deadline March 31, 2008
to join Graff4 *Deadline March 31, 2008
- - canvas of any size
- - all artworks must express the word ‘ TRIBE ’ in graffiti font.
- - Artist is free to use any style, color and medium.
- - deadline of submission will be on the 31st March 2008
- - contestants must send their artworks to :
- Graffiti Competition 4 No 8, Beringin 4, Tmn Beringin, 75350 Melaka .
- - contestants are only allowed to send a maximun of 3 canvases.
- - Entry fee is only RM 10. - about Php 125/ USD 3.50
- ( A free T-shirt will be given on the day of event)
- - all works will be retained under KLAN and KLAN holds the rights should to display,
- show, publish, duplicate & print or even dispose all the entries without participant's consent.
- - judges’ decisions are final
- - art works will be judged by theme/concept: 20%, color combinations: 20%,
- skills: 20%, style: 20% , techniques: 20%
- - for more info , please call : 012 6013 492 ( Joe Tribe )