Welcome to February 2009, the 97th issue of Juxtapoz, starring Mars-1 as our cover story. We took Mars-1 to the new planetarium here in San Francisco to explore the stars, learn about exoplanets, and discuss the new body of work he is preparing for his solo show in NYC this month. We also get an in-depth look into the work of photographer JR, one of the most prolific and multi-leveled artists working today. German duo, Herakut, unveils their newest body of work, Brooklyn's Thomas Keeley makes a lot of something out of nothing, Philippines' Louie Cordero takes comic book admiration to a new level, and Japanese artist, Ryohei Hase, makes some of the most beautiful, detailed art in the world today. And the kings of street art on the web, Wooster Collecitve, speak of the beauty in their concrete neighborhood.
We cover shows at Distinction Gallery, Metropolis Gallery, Thinkspace, and the new David B Smith Gallery, and profile Chuck U, Jay Howell, Jesse Geller, Mollie Goldstrom, A1One, Hydro74, Leopold Rabus, Emily Glaubinger, and give a parting shot to GW Bush. Read, buy, and share.